Rodrigue Batumike, M.Sc.
- Phone:+243 (0) 808929038
Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Plaisier 001
Avenue Dr Lurhuma
Bukavu/South Kivu/DRC
Phone : +243 998176710
I’m a Conservation Scientists and independent consultant interested in ecology and the conservation of wildlife. Several times i carried out international and national projects in eastern Africa, particularly in mountain forests. I have skills on elaborating the Local Plan for Development as well as the elaborating of the Simple Plan for Management of the Community Forest, the analyses of socioecomic activities around APs and the designing of qualitative and quantitative tools for data collection. Additionally, I have proficient on writing proposals for biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources as well as REDD+ projects
I have background in Forestry and Msc in Ecology and Conservation of Wildlife at the Manchester Metropolitan University and the College of African wildlife Management Mweka.
I have 7 years of experience in Forestry; Restoration of degraded landscape; ecology and conservation of wildlife, local development; ethnobotany; project design management and evaluation, climate change mitigation and Socioeconomic analyses.
Currently I’m a Fellowship of Smithsonia Tropical Research Institute/ForesGeo in charge too review the global assessment of potential human interventions to reduce forest biomass losses and mitigate climate change and member of IUCN Red list/Special Group cat to review the status of African Golden Cat.
Recently I contributed to elaborate the land use plan of 20 villages in in Bakwange and Wakabango in the Maniema Province, Project funded by the PIREDD/GIZ.
As a researcher currently Rodrigue is working on the distribution of medium to large ground-dwelling mammal in the Minziro forest
Reserve in Tanzania: Using camera trapping Funded by the College of African Wildlife Management Mweka. Beside this Rodrigue is a Researcher Assistant on the Lightning in African tropical forests: from tree mortality to carbon dynamics/Project funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and carry out by Metropolitan Manchester University.
In 2022 he was a fellowship of JRS Foundation Fellowship of JRS Biodiversity Foundation/Oxford University; training in Biodiversity data analysis at Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway In 2022 he carried out study of Remote sensing assessment of land use changes and consultations with local partners on drivers of deforestation around PNKB (Kahuzi Biega National Park) and PNVi ( Virunga National Park) funded by FARM AFRICA in partnership with CAFI.
In 2020 Rodrigue I conducted project on the Determining sustainable extraction rates of important timber and non-timber forest products in Lomami national park in DRC funded by the Rufford Foundation. Rodrigue is working with GIZ as consultant in the Biodiversity Maintenance and Sustainable Forest Management Program (BGF) in the DRC
In 2021 I led a project focused on the Community-Based Initiative to Reduce Poaching of the African Golden Cat around Lomami National Funded by Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZSCF).
Three years ago he contributed to the elaborating of the Local Plan Development of the Ngweshe and Kabare Chiefdom in partnership with UNDP, GIZ as well as the Simple Plan Management of the Community Forest around the Itombwe Natural Reserve, Kahuzi Biega National Park and the Lomami National Park.
I have academic background in Forestry and Water at the Université
Catholique de Bukavu and a Master’s degree in African Wildlife
Ecology and Conservation at The Methropolitan Manchester
University (UK) and College of African Wildlife Mweka (Tanzanie).
A native French speaker, I’m fluent in and French in English.
A global assessment of potential human interventions to reduce forest biomass losses and mitigate climate change .Kristina J.Anderson-Teixeira et al., including Batumike, R. (in prep.)
Climate change perceptions and adaptation by Sebei pastoralists in Mt Elgon, Uganda . Siya Aggrey et al., including Batumike.R (Under review)
A comparative analysis of climate change impacts and adaptation responses in ten African mountain . Cuni-Sanchez A. et al., including Batumike. R (in prep). Nature Climate change
Climate change adaptation in conflict-affected areas: insights from two African mountains . Kabumba, G et al., Including Batumike. R (Submitted). Land Journal
Co-limitation toward lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients . Jingjing L. et al., including Batumike. R (2022 a ). Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Mapping peat thickness and carbon stocks of the central Congo Basin using field data . Bart C. et al., including Batumike. R (2022 b ). Nature Geoscience.
Climate Change Perceptions and Adaptations among Smallholder Farmers in the Mountains of Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo . Amani, R.K.; Riera, B.; Imani, G.; Batumike, R.; Zafra-Calvo, N.; Cuni-Sanchez, A. Land 2022, 11, 628.
Lomami Buffer Zone: forest composition, structure, and sustainability of its use by local communities . Batumike, R et al. Biotropica (2021).
Economic importance of Non timber forest product trade in Kindu town . Batumike, R. et al . (in prep).
High aboveground carbon stock of African tropical montane forest . Cuni-Sanchez A. et al., including Batumike. R. Nature diary (2021).
From tree species to forest services: ethnic differences in Lomami, the Democratic Republic of the Congo . Batumike, R et al. EcoBot (2021).
Climate change and hunter-gatherers in montane eastern DRC . Batumike, R et al. Climate and development (2021).
Tree diversity and carbon stocks in Itombwe Mountains of eastern of DR Congo . Gerard Imani, et al. including . Batumike , R. Biotropica (2021).
Scaled peat carbon stocks of the central congo Basin from extensive in situ measurements . Hans-Peter Wotzka, et al. including Batumike , R. including . Batumike , R. Nature Geosciences (2021).
Bushmeat hunting around Lomami National Parc in Democratic Republic of the Congo . Batumike, R et al. Oryx (2021).
Social perceptions of forest ecosystem services in the Democratic Republic of Congo . Cuni-Sanchez A. et al., including Batumike. R. Human Ecology (2019).